Dissemination event in Estonia

On 23 of August, 2021, our Estonian partner Nooruse Maja received in its premises adult educators coming from Greece, Italy and Romania. During the official openning of the event, Nooruse Maja has presented the projects that the organization is currently working on. A special attention was given to the Digital Creative Minds project, its planned activities and project materials that the consortium is planning to release. 

The participants were very interested in the project idea and all agree that such a project could have a great impact on adult learners with low digital skills who are working in the cultural and creative sector, since adult people were seriously affected by the COVID-19 crisis and the digital transformation  it brought to the CCS. 


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Second Intermediate meetingDigital Creative MindsStrategic Partnership in the field of Adult2020-1-DE02-KA227-ADU-007933 Project Coordinator: Copernicus Berlin e.V. (Germany)Project partners: Sevlievo Municipality (Bulgaria), Associazione MUSIKART (Italy), Raama Noorte Uhing Noorus (Estonia), Comune Giardini Naxos