
DCM project foresees the realization of four intellectual outputs:

  1. Digital Competences for CCS guidelines. Digital Competences for cultural and creative sector (CCS) guidelines (IO1). The IO1 will be divided in three main documents: -IO1.1 Conceptual Framework for digital competences for CCS; -IO1.2 European and National research on digital competence validation; -IO1.3 Digital Competences for CCS guidelines.
  2. Online platform. An online platform will be set up in order to create an online space as connection for project target groups (adults learners with low digital skills working in CCS, especially freelance and independent workers) and for containing the MOOC courses (IO3).
  3. MOOC courses. The training program of DCM project for adult learners involved in CCS will be developed as an online course with integrated MOOC course (IO3) and OER tools, resources and solutions, translated into all partners’ languages.
  4. Position Paper on training investments and OERs for raising digital skills in CCS. The IO4 aims at providing the recommendations and proposals of the DCM project partners to policy makers related to the Open Education Resources (OERs) as key element for a wide up – /re- skilling digital skills of CCS workers and professionals, taking into account the principle of Open access to resources promoted by the EU.