Kick-off meeting


Kick-off meeting
Digital Creative Minds
Strategic Partnership in the field of Adult

Project Coordinator: Copernicus Berlin e.V. (Germany)
Project partners: Sevlievo Municipality (Bulgaria), Associazione MUSIKART (Italy), Raama Noorte Uhing Noorus (Estonia), Comune Giardini Naxos (Italy), Asociación EuropeYou (Spain)

Meeting Format: ZOOM meeting – Online. The meeting took place online and not in Berlin at Copernicus office as initally planned due to the travel restrictions caused by COVID-19. Indeed, all representatives of project partners could not travel to Germany.

Date: 15/04/2021

Meeting duration: From 9.00 am to 5.00 pm

The project consortium of “Digital Creative Minds” had its first online kick off meeting. The meeting took place online, using ZOOM video conferencing platform.

Due to the several restrictions that were in place, partners couldn’t gather for the planned kick off meeting in Germany, but however this didn’t impide the smooth explanation and planning of the future project activities.

During the online meeting partners discussed the elaboration of project website, logo and other dissemination materials; the structure of the Digital Competences for cultural and creative sector (CCS) guidelines (First Intellectual Output) and distribution of the tasks; the target groups that partners need to reach through online and local activities as well as all financial arrangements related to the project.

Digital Creative Minds project aims to create a sustainable and efficient education program dedicated to adults learners with low digital skills involved in the (CCS). DCM will enhance awareness of the need for training in digital skills for the creative industries and will focus on openness and inclusive in education.


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First Intermediate meetingDigital Creative MindsStrategic Partnership in the field of Adult2020-1-DE02-KA227-ADU-007933 Project Coordinator: Copernicus Berlin e.V. (Germany)Project partners: Sevlievo Municipality (Bulgaria), Associazione MUSIKART (Italy), Raama Noorte Uhing Noorus (Estonia), Comune Giardini Naxos